Help MIRI in a Massive 24-Hour Fundraiser on May 6th

Update: We’re now liveblogging the fundraiser here.

On May 6th, MIRI is participating in Silicon Valley Gives. We were selected to participate along with other local Bay Area charities by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. On this day, we recommend donors make gifts to MIRI through the SV Gives portal so we can qualify for some of the matching and bonus funds provided by dozens of Bay Area philanthropists.

Why is this exciting for supporters of MIRI? Many reasons, but here are a few:

  • Over $250,000 of matching funds and prizes up for grabs, from sources that normally wouldn’t contribute to MIRI:
    • Kick-off Match! Two-to-one dollar match up to $50,000 during the midnight hour.
    • $2,000 prize for the nonprofit that has the most individual donors in an hour, every hour for 24 hours.
    • Golden Ticket of $150 added to a random donation each hour, every hour, for 24 hours.
    • Dollar for Dollar match up to $35,000 during the 7 AM hour.
    • Dollar for Dollar match up to $15,000 during the 8 AM hour.
    • Dollar for Dollar match up to $50,000 during the 12 noon hour.
    • Dollar for Dollar match up to $50,000 during the 6 PM hour.
    • Dollar for Dollar match up to $50,000 during the 7 PM hour.
  • Local NBC stations, local radio stations, many local business, and lots of Bay Area foundations will be promoting the Silicon Valley Day of Giving on May 6th. So if MIRI is making a splash with our fundraising that day, it’s possible we’ll draw attention from media and by extension new donors.

We need your help to make the most of this opportunity!

Making the most of this opportunity will require some cleverness and a lot of coordination. We are going to need all the help we can get. Here are some ways you can help:

  1. We are currently thinking through how to best take advantage of  this unique opportunity. If you have any ideas and/or want to join the planning team (currently Malo, Louie, Luke, and long-time MIRI supporter Alexei Andreev), shoot Malo an email at
  2. If you are interested in supporting MIRI with a  donation of $500 or more during the fundraiser, we’d love to coordinate with you to make it count as much as possible. Get in touch with Malo at
  3. All MIRI supporters (not just donors) have the potential to make a big impact if we can all work together in a coordinated manner. Sign up below to receive updates on our strategy leading up to the event, and updates throughout the fundraiser on the best times to give and promote the event. Follow along with the excitement and be on the inside of what’s going on all day!