
Author: Rob Bensinger

New report: “Leó Szilárd and the Danger of Nuclear Weapons”

Today we release a new report by Katja Grace, “Leó Szilárd and the Danger of Nuclear Weapons: A Case Study in Risk Mitigation” (PDF, 72pp). Leó Szilárd has been cited as an example of someone who predicted a highly disruptive...

October 2015 Newsletter

Research updates New paper: Asymptotic Logical Uncertainty and The Benford Test New at IAFF: Proof Length and Logical Counterfactuals Revisited; Quantilizers Maximize Expected Utility Subject to a Conservative Cost Constraint General updates As a way to engage more researchers in...

New paper: “Asymptotic logical uncertainty and the Benford test”

We have released a new paper on logical uncertainty, co-authored by Scott Garrabrant, Siddharth Bhaskar, Abram Demski, Joanna Garrabrant, George Koleszarik, and Evan Lloyd: “Asymptotic logical uncertainty and the Benford test.” Garrabrant gives some background on his approach to logical...

September 2015 Newsletter

Research updates New analyses: When AI Accelerates AI; Powerful Planners, Not Sentient Software New at AI Impacts: Research Bounties; AI Timelines and Strategies New at IAFF: Uniform Coherence 2; The Two-Update Problem Andrew Critch, a CFAR cofounder, mathematician, and former...

AI and Effective Altruism

MIRI is a research nonprofit specializing in a poorly-explored set of problems in theoretical computer science. GiveDirectly is a cash transfer service that gives money to poor households in East Africa. What kind of conference would bring together representatives from...

Assessing our past and potential impact

We’ve received several thoughtful questions in response to our fundraising post to the Effective Altruism Forum and our new FAQ. From quant trader Maxwell Fritz: My snap reaction to MIRI’s pitches has typically been, “yeah, AI is a real concern....