MIRI Updates

Targets 1 and 2: Growing MIRI

Momentum is picking up in the domain of AI safety engineering. MIRI needs to grow fast if it’s going to remain at the forefront of this new paradigm in AI research. To that end, we’re kicking off our 2015 Summer...

MIRI’s 2015 Summer Fundraiser!

This last year has been pretty astounding. Since its release twelve months ago, Nick Bostrom’s book Superintelligence has raised awareness about the challenge that MIRI exists to address: long-term risks posed by smarter-than-human artificially intelligent systems. Academic and industry leaders...

An Astounding Year

It’s safe to say that this past year exceeded a lot of people’s expectations. Twelve months ago, Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence had just been published. Long-term questions about smarter-than-human AI systems were simply not a part of mainstream discussions about the...

July 2015 Newsletter

Hello, all! I’m Rob Bensinger, MIRI’s Outreach Coordinator. I’ll be keeping you updated on MIRI’s activities and on relevant news items. If you have feedback or questions, you can get in touch with me by email. Research updates A new...

Grants and fundraisers

Two big announcements today: 1. MIRI has won $299,310 from the Future of Life Institute’s grant program to jumpstart the field of long-term AI safety research. $250,000 will go to our research program over the course of three years. This...

Wanted: Office Manager (aka Force Multiplier)

We’re looking for a full-time office manager to support our growing team. It’s a big job that requires organization, initiative, technical chops, and superlative communication skills. You’ll develop, improve, and manage the processes and systems that make us a super-effective...

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