MIRI Updates

May 2015 Newsletter

Research updates Two new papers on reflective oracles and agents. New articles on AI Impacts (last 2 months): Preliminary prices for human-level hardware, Trends in the cost of computing, Glial signaling, Scale of the human brain, Neuron firing rates in humans, Metabolic estimates...

New papers on reflective oracles and agents

We recently released two new papers on reflective oracles and agents. The first is “Reflective oracles: A foundation for classical game theory,” by Benja Fallenstein, Jessica Taylor, and Paul Christiano. Abstract: Classical game theory treats players as special—a description of...

April 2015 newsletter

Research updates We've launched a new research forum, the Intelligent Agent Foundations Forum (IAFF), devoted solely to technical research on the superintelligence alignment challenge. On IAFF, three "forum digest" posts summarize much of the work conducted on that forum prior to...

Recent AI control brainstorming by Stuart Armstrong

MIRI recently sponsored Oxford researcher Stuart Armstrong to take a solitary retreat and brainstorm new ideas for AI control. This brainstorming generated 16 new control ideas, of varying usefulness and polish. During the past month, he has described each new...

2014 in review

It’s time for my review of MIRI in 2014. ((This year’s annual review is shorter than last year’s 5-part review of 2013, in part because 2013 was an unusually complicated focus-shifting year, and in part because, in retrospect, last year’s...

New report: “An Introduction to Löb’s Theorem in MIRI Research”

Today we publicly release a new technical report by Patrick LaVictoire, titled “An Introduction to Löb’s Theorem in MIRI Research.” The report’s introduction begins: This expository note is devoted to answering the following question: why do many MIRI research papers...

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