MIRI currently has a few dozen volunteer advisors on a wide range of subjects, but we need more! If you’d like to help MIRI pursue its mission more efficiently, please sign up to be a MIRI advisor.
If you sign up, we will occasionally ask you questions, or send you early drafts of upcoming writings for feedback.
We don’t always want technical advice (“Well, you can do that with a relativized arithmetical hierarchy…”); often, we just want to understand how different groups of experts respond to our writing (“The tone of this paragraph rubs me the wrong way because…”).
At the moment, we are most in need of advisors on the following subjects:
- Mathematical logic (especially computability theory and proof theory, more-especially provability logic, and most-especially the combination of logic and probabilism)
- Theoretical computer science (especially computability theory, computational complexity theory, and AIXI)
- Artificial intelligence (especially machine learning, agent architectures, and probabilistic graphical models)
- Economics (especially endogenous growth theory and the economics of innovation)
- Game theory (especially program equilibrium and normative decision theory)
Even if you don’t have much time to help, please sign up! We will of course respect your own limits on availability.