June 2015 Newsletter

Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Dear friends of MIRI,

As we announced on May 6th, I've decided to take a research position at GiveWell. With unanimous support from the Board, MIRI research fellow Nate Soares will be taking my place as Executive Director starting June 1st. Nate has introduced himself here.

I’m proud of what the MIRI team has accomplished during my tenure as Executive Director, and I'm excited to watch Nate take MIRI to the next level. My enthusiasm for MIRI’s work remains as strong as ever, and I look forward to supporting MIRI going forward, both financially and as a close advisor. (See here for further details on my transition to GiveWell.)

Thank you all for your support!

– Luke Muehlhauser

Research updates

News updates

Other updates

  • Nick Bostrom's TED talk on machine superintelligence.
  • Effective Altruism Global is this August, in the San Francisco Bay Area (USA), Oxford (UK), and Melbourne (Australia). Keynote speaker is Elon Musk. Apply by June 10th!