Update 2017-12-27: We’ve blown past our 3rd and final target, and reached the matching cap of $300,000 for the Matching Challenge! Thanks so much to everyone who supported us!
All donations made before 23:59 PST on Dec 31st will continue to be counted towards our fundraiser total. The fundraiser total includes projected matching funds from the Challenge.
Professional poker players Martin Crowley, Tom Crowley, and Dan Smith, in partnership with Raising for Effective Giving, have just announced a $1 million Matching Challenge and included MIRI among the 10 organizations they are supporting!
Give to any of the organizations involved before noon (PST) on December 31 for your donation to be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar match, up to the $1 million limit!
The eligible organizations for matching are:
- Animal welfare — Effective Altruism Funds’ animal welfare fund, The Good Food Institute
- Global health and development — Against Malaria Foundation, Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, Helen Keller International’s vitamin A supplementation program, GiveDirectly
- Global catastrophic risk — MIRI
- Criminal justice reform — Brooklyn Community Bail Fund, Massachusetts Bail Fund, Just City Memphis
The Matching Challenge’s website lists two options for MIRI donors to get matched: (1) donating on 2017charitydrive.com, or (2) donating directly on MIRI’s website and sending the receipt to receiptsforcharity@gmail.com. We recommend option 2, particularly for US tax residents (because MIRI is a 501(c)(3) organization) and those looking for a wider array of payment methods.
In other news, we’ve hit our first fundraising target ($625,000)!
We’re also happy to announce that we’ve received a $368k bitcoin donation from Christian Calderon, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, and also a donation worth $59k from early bitcoin investor Marius van Voorden.
In total, so far, we’ve received donations valued $697,638 from 137 distinct donors, 76% of it in the form of cryptocurrency (48% if we exclude Christian’s donation). Thanks as well to Jacob Falkovich for his fundraiser/matching post whose opinion distribution curves plausibly raised over $27k for MIRI this week, including his match.
Our funding drive will be continuing through the end of December, along with the Matching Challenge. Current progress (updated live):
Correction December 17: I previously listed GiveWell as one of the eligible organizations for matching, which is not correct.