
Author: Alex Vermeer

2016 summer program recap

As previously announced, we recently ran a 22-day Colloquium Series on Robust and Beneficial AI (CSRBAI) at the MIRI office, co-hosted with the Oxford Future of Humanity Institute. The colloquium was aimed at bringing together safety-conscious AI scientists from academia...

Wanted: Office Manager (aka Force Multiplier)

We’re looking for a full-time office manager to support our growing team. It’s a big job that requires organization, initiative, technical chops, and superlative communication skills. You’ll develop, improve, and manage the processes and systems that make us a super-effective...

MIRI’s May 2014 Workshop

From May 3–11, MIRI will host its 7th Workshop of Logic, Probability, and Reflection. This workshop will focus on decision theory and tiling agents. The participants — all veterans of past workshops — are: Mihály Barasz (Google) Paul Christiano (UC...

Support MIRI by Shopping at AmazonSmile

If you shop at the new AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to a charitable organization of your choosing. MIRI is an eligible charitable organization, so the next time you consider purchasing something through Amazon,...

The Hanson-Yudkowsky AI-Foom Debate is now available as an eBook!

In late 2008, economist Robin Hanson and AI theorist Eliezer Yudkowsky conducted an online debate about the future of artificial intelligence, and in particular about whether generally intelligent AIs will be able to improve their own capabilities very quickly (a.k.a....