MIRI Updates
Finite Factored Sets
[mathjax] This is the edited transcript of a talk introducing finite factored sets. For most readers, it will probably be the best starting point for learning about factored sets. Video: (Lightly edited) slides: https://intelligence.org/files/Factored-Set-Slides.pdf (Part 1, Title Slides)...
May 2021 Newsletter
MIRI senior researcher Scott Garrabrant has a major new result, “Finite Factored Sets,” that he’ll be unveiling in an online talk this Sunday at noon Pacific time. (Zoom link.) For context on the result, see Scott’s new post “Saving Time.”...
Saving Time
Note: This is a preamble to Finite Factored Sets, a sequence I’ll be posting over the next few weeks. This Sunday at noon Pacific time, I’ll be giving a Zoom talk (link) introducing Finite Factored Sets, a framework which I...
Our all-time largest donation, and major crypto support from Vitalik Buterin
I’m thrilled to announce two major donations to MIRI! First, a long-time supporter has given MIRI by far our largest donation ever: $2.5 million per year over the next four years, and an additional ~$5.6 million in 2025. This...
April 2021 Newsletter
MIRI updates MIRI researcher Abram Demski writes regarding counterfactuals: I've felt like the problem of counterfactuals is "mostly settled" (modulo some math working out) for about a year, but I don't think I've really communicated this online. Partly, I've been waiting...
March 2021 Newsletter
MIRI updates MIRI's Eliezer Yudkowsky and Evan Hubinger comment in some detail on Ajeya Cotra's The Case for Aligning Narrowly Superhuman Models. This conversation touches on some of the more important alignment research views at MIRI, such as the view that alignment requires...