MIRI Updates

Final fundraiser day: Announcing our new team

Today is the final day of MIRI’s summer fundraising drive, and as of this morning, our total stands at $543,373. Our donors’ efforts have made this fundraiser the biggest one we’ve ever run, and we’re hugely grateful. As our fundraiser...

AI and Effective Altruism

MIRI is a research nonprofit specializing in a poorly-explored set of problems in theoretical computer science. GiveDirectly is a cash transfer service that gives money to poor households in East Africa. What kind of conference would bring together representatives from...

Powerful planners, not sentient software

Over the past few months, some major media outlets have been spreading concern about the idea that AI might spontaneously acquire sentience and turn against us. Many people have pointed out the flaws with this notion, including Andrew Ng, an...

What Sets MIRI Apart?

Last week, we received several questions from the effective altruist community in response to our fundraising post. Here’s Maxwell Fritz: […] My snap reaction to MIRI’s pitches has typically been, “yeah, AI is a real concern. But I have no...

Assessing our past and potential impact

We’ve received several thoughtful questions in response to our fundraising post to the Effective Altruism Forum and our new FAQ. From quant trader Maxwell Fritz: My snap reaction to MIRI’s pitches has typically been, “yeah, AI is a real concern....

Target 3: Taking It To The Next Level

One week ago, we hit our first fundraising target. I’m thrilled to announce that we’re now closing in on our second target: our fundraising total passed $400,000 today! As we approach target number two, we’re already taking active steps to...

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