MIRI Updates
An improved “AI Impacts” website
Recently, MIRI received a targeted donation to improve the AI Impacts website initially created by frequent MIRI collaborator Paul Christiano and part-time MIRI researcher Katja Grace. Collaborating with Paul and Katja, we ported the old content to a more robust...
New report: “Questions of reasoning under logical uncertainty”
Today we release a new technical report by Nate Soares and Benja Fallenstein, “Questions of reasoning under logical uncertainty.” If you’d like to discuss the paper, please do so here. Abstract: A logically uncertain reasoner would be able to reason...
Brooks and Searle on AI volition and timelines
Nick Bostrom’s concerns about the future of AI have sparked a busy public discussion. His arguments were echoed by leading AI researcher Stuart Russell in “Transcending complacency on superintelligent machines” (co-authored with Stephen Hawking, Max Tegmark, and Frank Wilczek), and...
Matthias Troyer on Quantum Computers
Dr. Matthias Troyer is a professor of Computational Physics at ETH Zürich. Before that, he finished University Studies in “Technischer Physik” at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria, as well as Diploma in Physics and Interdisciplinary PhD thesis at the...
January 2015 Newsletter
Thanks to the generosity of 80+ donors, we completed our winter 2014 matching challenge, raising $200,000 for our research program. Many, many thanks to all who contributed! Research Updates Our major project of the past five months has been...
Our new technical research agenda overview
Today we release a new overview of MIRI’s technical research agenda, “Aligning Superintelligence with Human Interests: A Technical Research Agenda,” by Nate Soares and Benja Fallenstein. The preferred place to discuss this report is here. The report begins: The characteristic...