MIRI Updates

MIRI’s June 2014 Newsletter

Dear friends, The SV Gives fundraiser was a big success for many organizations, and especially for MIRI. Thanks so much, everyone! Research Updates Two new papers: “Program equilibrium…” (accepted to the MIPC workshop at AAAI-14) and “Problems of self-reference…” (accepted...

Milind Tambe on game theory in security applications

Milind Tambe is Helen N. and Emmett H. Jones Professor in Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC). He is a fellow of AAAI (Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), as well as...

New report: “Loudness: On priors over preference relations”

Today we release the first technical report from our May 2014 workshop: “Loudness: on priors over preference relations” by Benja Fallenstein and Nisan Stiennon. Other technical reports from that workshop are also in progress. Here’s the abstract for this report:...

MIRI wants to fund your independently-organized Friendly AI workshop

To support Friendly AI research around the world, our new MIRIx program funds mathematicians, computer scientists, and formal philosophers to organize their own Friendly AI workshops. A MIRIx workshop can be as simple as gathering some of your friends to...

Aaron Tomb on crowd-sourced formal verification

Aaron Tomb is a Principal Investigator at Galois, where his work includes research, development, and project leadership in the area of automated and semi-automated techniques for analysis of software, including type systems, defect detection tools, formal verification, and more general...

Lennart Beringer on the Verified Software Toolchain

Lennart Beringer is an Associate Research Scholar at Princeton University, where he uses interactive proof assistants to develop provably correct compilers, program analyses, and other software verification tools. Previously, he held research appointments at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and the University...

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