MIRI Updates

Michael Fisher on verifying autonomous systems

Michael Fisher is a professor of Computer Science, specialising in logical methods and automated formal verification, and Director of the multi-disciplinary Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology at the University of Liverpool and member of the Logic and Computation group in...

Harry Buhrman on quantum algorithms and cryptography

Harry Buhrman is head of the research group ‘Algorithms and Complexity’ at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, which he joined in 1994. Since 2000 he also has a joint appointment as full professor of computer science at the University...

New paper: “Problems of self-reference in self-improving space-time embedded intelligence”

We’ve released a new working paper by Benja Fallenstein and Nate Soares, “Problems of self-reference in self-improving space-time embedded intelligence.” Abstract: By considering agents to be a part of their environment, Orseau and Ring’s space-time embedded intelligence is a better...

Liveblogging the SV Gives Fundraiser

Today MIRI is participating in a massive 24-hour fundraiser called SV Gives. Strategy details here, donate here. This blog post will be updated many times throughout the day. Total donated to MIRI: $110,245. Total prizes & matching won for MIRI:...

Calling all MIRI supporters for unique giving opportunity!

Update: We are liveblogging the fundraiser here. Read our strategy below, then give here!   As previously announced, MIRI is participating in a massive 24-hour fundraiser on May 6th, called SV Gives. This is a unique opportunity for all MIRI...

Kasper Stoy on self-reconfigurable robots

Kasper Stoy is a robotics and embodied artificial intelligence researcher holding an associate professor position at the Software and Systems Section of the IT University of Copenhagen. He is interested in the construction and design of complete robot systems, but...

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