MIRI Updates
MIRI’s January 2014 Newsletter
Dear friends,Wow! MIRI’s donors finished our Winter 2013 fundraising drive three weeks early. Our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed. Research Updates MIRI’s December workshop resulted in 7 new technical reports and one new paper. Photos from the workshop are...
MIRI strategy conversation with Steinhardt, Karnofsky, and Amodei
On October 27th, 2013, MIRI met with three additional members of the effective altruism community to discuss MIRI’s organizational strategy. The participants were: Eliezer Yudkowsky (research fellow at MIRI) Luke Muehlhauser (executive director at MIRI) Holden Karnofsky (co-CEO at GiveWell)...
Kathleen Fisher on High-Assurance Systems
Dr. Kathleen Fisher joined DARPA as a program manager in 2011. Her research and development interests relate to programming languages and high assurance systems. Dr. Fisher joined DARPA from Tufts University. Previously, she worked as a Principal Member of the...
Donor Story #1: Noticing Inferential Distance
2013 was by far MIRI’s most successful fundraising year (more details later), so now we’re talking to our donors to figure out: “Okay, what exactly are we doing so right?” Below is one donor’s story, anonymized and published with permission:...
7 New Technical Reports, and a New Paper
Recently, MIRI released 7 brief technical reports that explain several pieces of theoretical progress made at our December 2013 research workshop. Several of these results build on work done at our July and November 2013 workshops, and also on between-workshop...
Winter 2013 Fundraiser Completed!
Wow! MIRI’s donors just finished our 2013 winter matching challenge three weeks ahead of the deadline! As it happens, the person who finished this drive was Patrick LaVictoire, who says his donation was the product of his altruism tip jar...