MIRI Updates
Five Theses, Using Only Simple Words
A recent xkcd comic described the Saturn V rocket using only the 1000 most frequently used words (in English). The rocket was called “up-goer five,” and the liquid hydrogen feed line was the “thing that lets in cold wet air...
How effectively can we plan for future decades? (initial findings)
MIRI aims to do research now that increases humanity’s odds of successfully managing important AI-related events that are at least a few decades away. Thus, we’d like to know: To what degree can we take actions now that will predictably...
The Hanson-Yudkowsky AI-Foom Debate is now available as an eBook!
In late 2008, economist Robin Hanson and AI theorist Eliezer Yudkowsky conducted an online debate about the future of artificial intelligence, and in particular about whether generally intelligent AIs will be able to improve their own capabilities very quickly (a.k.a....
Stephen Hsu on Cognitive Genomics
Stephen Hsu is Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies and Professor of Theoretical Physics at Michigan State University. Educated at Caltech and Berkeley, he was a Harvard Junior Fellow and held faculty positions at Yale and the University of Oregon....
MIRI’s November 2013 Workshop in Oxford
From November 23-29, MIRI will host another Workshop on Logic, Probability, and Reflection, for the first time in Oxford, UK. Participants will investigate problems related to reflective agents, probabilistic logic, and priors over logical statements / the logical omniscience problem....
Transparency in Safety-Critical Systems
In this post, I aim to summarize one common view on AI transparency and AI reliability. It’s difficult to identify the field’s “consensus” on AI transparency and reliability, so instead I will present a common view so that I can...