
Category: Conversations

Nick Beckstead on the Importance of the Far Future

Nick Beckstead recently finished a Ph.D in philosophy at Rutgers University, where he focused on practical and theoretical ethical issues involving future generations. He is particularly interested in the practical implications of taking full account of how actions taken today...

Roman Yampolskiy on AI Safety Engineering

Roman V. Yampolskiy holds a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. There he was a recipient of a four year NSF IGERT fellowship. Before beginning his doctoral studies, Dr. Yampolskiy received...

James Miller on Unusual Incentives Facing AGI Companies

James D. Miller is an associate professor of economics at Smith College. He is the author of Singularity Rising, Game Theory at Work, and a principles of microeconomics textbook along with several academic articles. He has a PhD in economics...

Yudkowsky on Logical Uncertainty

A paraphrased transcript of a conversation with Eliezer Yudkowsky. Interviewer: I’d love to get a clarification from you on one of the “open problems in Friendly AI.” The logical uncertainty problem that Benja Fallenstein tackled had to do with having...

Yudkowsky on “What can we do now?”

A paraphrased transcript of a conversation with Eliezer Yudkowsky. Interviewer: Suppose you’re talking to a smart mathematician who looks like the kind of person who might have the skills needed to work on a Friendly AI team. But, he says,...

Interview with New MIRI Research Fellow Luke Muehlhauser

Section One: Background and Core Ideas Q1. What is your personal background? Q2. Why should we care about artificial intelligence? Q3. Why do you think smarter-than-human artificial intelligence is possible? Q4. The mission of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute is...