Dear friends, Our summer matching challenge is underway! Every donation made to MIRI between now and August 15th, 2014 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $200,000! Please donate now to help support our research! Research Updates May...
Research Updates Two new reports: “Distributions allowing tiling of staged subjective EU maximizers” and “Non-omniscience, probabilistic inference, and metamathematics.” New analysis: Failures of an embodied intelligence. Book chapter co-authored by Nick Bostrom (Oxford) and Eliezer Yudkowsky (MIRI) now published in...
Dear friends, The SV Gives fundraiser was a big success for many organizations, and especially for MIRI. Thanks so much, everyone! Research Updates Two new papers: “Program equilibrium…” (accepted to the MIPC workshop at AAAI-14) and “Problems of self-reference…” (accepted...
On May 6th, there is $250,000+ in matching funds and prizes available from sources that normally wouldn’t contribute to MIRI at all. Details here. Research Updates New paper: “The errors, insights, and lessons of famous AI predictions.” Botworld update with...
Research Updates New technical report: “Botworld 1.0.” 9 new expert interviews: Max Tegmark on the mathematical universe, Randal Koene on whole brain emulation, Michael Carbin on integrity properties in approximate computing, Anil Nerode on hybrid systems control, Lyle Ungar on...
Research Updates We recently hired four new researchers, including two new Friendly AI researchers. We announced this to our local supporters at the recent MIRI Expansion Party. We’ve scheduled our next research workshop for May 2014. Three new posts on...