Four Articles Added to Research Page

Four older articles have been added to our research page.

The first is the early draft of Christiano et al.’s “Definability of ‘Truth’ in Probabilistic Logic” previously discussed here and here. The draft was last updated on April 2, 2013.

The second paper is a cleaned-up version of an article originally published in December 2012 by Luke Muehlhauser and Chris Williamson to Less Wrong: “in December 2012 by Luke Muehlhauser and Chris Williamson to Less Wrong: “Ideal Advisor Theories and Personal CEV.”

The third and fourth papers were originally published by Bill Hibbard in the AGI 2012 Conference Proceedings: “AGI 2012 Conference Proceedings: “Avoiding Unintended AI Behaviors” and “Decision Support for Safe AI Design.” Hibbard wrote these articles before he became a MIRI research associate, but he gave us permission to include them on our research page because (1) he became a MIRI research associate during the AGI-12 conference at which the articles were published, (2) the articles were partly inspired by a public dialogue with Luke Muehlhauser, and (3) the articles build on MIRI’s paper “public dialogue with Luke Muehlhauser, and (3) the articles build on MIRI’s paper “Intelligence Explosion and Machine Ethics.”

As mentioned in our December 2012 newsletter, “Avoiding Unintended AI Behaviors” was awarded MIRI’s $1000 Turing Prize for Best AGI Safety Paper. The prize was awarded in honor of Alan Turing, who not only discovered some of the key ideas of machine intelligence, but also grasped its importance, writing that “…it seems probable that once [human-level machine thinking] has started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers… At some stage therefore we should have to expect the machines to take control…”