2014 Summer Matching Challenge!

Nate & Nisan

Thanks to the generosity of several major donors, every donation made to MIRI between now and August 15th, 2014 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $200,000!







We have reached our matching total of $200,000!


Total Donors


Now is your chance to double your impact while helping us raise up to $400,000 (with matching) to fund our research program.

Corporate matching and monthly giving pledges will count towards the total! Please email malo@intelligence.org if you intend on leveraging corporate matching (check here, to see if your employer will match your donation) or would like to pledge 6 months of monthly donations, so that we can properly account for your contributions towards the fundraiser.

(If you’re unfamiliar with our mission, see: Why MIRI?)


Accomplishments Since Our Winter 2013 Fundraiser Launched:

Ongoing Activities You Can Help Support

  • We’re writing an overview of the Friendly AI technical agenda (as we see it) so far.
  • We’re currently developing and testing several tutorials on different pieces of the Friendly AI technical agenda (tiling agents, modal agents, etc.).
  • We’re writing several more papers and reports.
  • We’re growing the MIRIx program, largely to grow the pool of people we can plausibly hire as full-time FAI researchers in the next couple years.
  • We’re planning, or helping to plan, multiple research workshops, including the May 2015 decision theory workshop at Cambridge University.
  • We’re finishing the editing for a book version of Eliezer’s Sequences.
  • We’re helping to fund further SPARC activity, which provides education and skill-building to elite young math talent, and introduces them to ideas like effective altruism and global catastrophic risks.
  • We’re continuing to discuss formal collaboration opportunities with UC Berkeley faculty and development staff.
  • We’re helping Nick Bostrom promote his Superintelligence book in the U.S.
  • We’re investigating opportunities for supporting Friendly AI research via federal funding sources such as the NSF.

Other projects are still being surveyed for likely cost and impact. See also our mid-2014 strategic plan.

We appreciate your support for our work! Donate now, and seize a better than usual opportunity to move our work forward. If you have questions about donating, please contact Malo Bourgon at malo@intelligence.org.

 $200,000 of total matching funds has been provided by Jaan Tallinn, Edwin Evans, and Rick Schwall.