
Author: Luke Muehlhauser

New report: “An Introduction to Löb’s Theorem in MIRI Research”

Today we publicly release a new technical report by Patrick LaVictoire, titled “An Introduction to Löb’s Theorem in MIRI Research.” The report’s introduction begins: This expository note is devoted to answering the following question: why do many MIRI research papers...

Introducing the Intelligent Agent Foundations Forum

Today we are proud to publicly launch the Intelligent Agent Foundations Forum (RSS), a forum devoted to technical discussion of the research problems outlined in MIRI’s technical agenda overview, along with similar research problems. Patrick’s welcome post explains: Broadly speaking,...

Bill Hibbard on Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Bill Hibbard is an Emeritus Senior Scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, currently working on issues of AI safety and unintended behaviors. He has a BA in Mathematics and MS and PhD in Computer Sciences,...

Fallenstein talk for APS March Meeting 2015

MIRI researcher Benja Fallenstein recently delivered an invited talk at the March 2015 meeting of the American Physical Society in San Antonio, Texas. Her talk was one of four in a special session on artificial intelligence. Fallenstein’s title was “Beneficial...

New annotated bibliography for MIRI’s technical agenda

Today we release a new annotated bibliography accompanying our new technical agenda, written by Nate Soares. If you’d like to discuss the paper, please do so here. Abstract: How could superintelligent systems be aligned with the interests of humanity? This...

New mailing list for MIRI math/CS papers only

As requested, we now offer email notification of new technical (math or computer science) papers and reports from MIRI. Simply subscribe to the mailing list below. This list sends one email per new technical paper, and contains only the paper’s...