MIRI Updates
ML Living Library Opening
Update Jan. 2021: We’re no longer seeking applications for this position. The Machine Intelligence Research Institute is looking for a very specialized autodidact to keep us up to date on developments in machine learning—a “living library” of new results. ML...
A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion
This is a reply to Francois Chollet, the inventor of the Keras wrapper for the Tensorflow and Theano deep learning systems, on his essay “The impossibility of intelligence explosion.” In response to critics of his essay, Chollet tweeted: If...
December 2017 Newsletter
Our annual fundraiser is live. Discussed in the fundraiser post: News — What MIRI’s researchers have been working on lately, and more. Goals — We plan to grow our research team 2x in 2018–2019. If we raise $850k this...
MIRI’s 2017 Fundraiser
Update 2017-12-27: We’ve blown past our 3rd and final target, and reached the matching cap of $300,000 for the $2 million Matching Challenge! Thanks so much to everyone who supported us! All donations made before 23:59 PST on Dec 31st...
Security Mindset and the Logistic Success Curve
Follow-up to: Security Mindset and Ordinary Paranoia (Two days later, Amber returns with another question.) AMBER: Uh, say, Coral. How important is security mindset when you’re building a whole new kind of system—say, one subject to potentially adverse optimization pressures,...
Security Mindset and Ordinary Paranoia
The following is a fictional dialogue building off of AI Alignment: Why It’s Hard, and Where to Start. (AMBER, a philanthropist interested in a more reliable Internet, and CORAL, a computer security professional, are at a conference hotel together...