MIRI Updates
Announcing a new colloquium series and fellows program
The Machine Intelligence Research Institute is accepting applicants to two summer programs: a three-week AI robustness and reliability colloquium series (co-run with the Oxford Future of Humanity Institute), and a two-week fellows program focused on helping new researchers contribute to...
Seeking Research Fellows in Type Theory and Machine Self-Reference
The Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) is accepting applications for a full-time research fellow to develop theorem provers with self-referential capabilities, beginning by implementing a strongly typed language within that very language. The goal of this research project will be...
March 2016 Newsletter
Research updates A new paper: “Defining Human Values for Value Learners“ New at IAFF: Analysis of Algorithms and Partial Algorithms; Naturalistic Logical Updates; Notes from a Conversation on Act-Based and Goal-Directed Systems; Toy Model: Convergent Instrumental Goals New at AI...
John Horgan interviews Eliezer Yudkowsky
Scientific American writer John Horgan recently interviewed MIRI’s senior researcher and co-founder, Eliezer Yudkowsky. The email interview touched on a wide range of topics, from politics and religion to existential risk and Bayesian models of rationality. Although Eliezer isn’t speaking...
New paper: “Defining human values for value learners”
MIRI Research Associate Kaj Sotala recently presented a new paper, “Defining Human Values for Value Learners,” at the AAAI-16 AI, Society and Ethics workshop. The abstract reads: Hypothetical “value learning” AIs learn human values and then try to act according...
February 2016 Newsletter
Research updates New at IAFF: Thoughts on Logical Dutch Book Arguments; Another View of Quantilizers: Avoiding Goodhart’s Law; Another Concise Open Problem General updates Fundraiser and grant successes: MIRI will be working with AI pioneer Stuart Russell and a to-be-determined...