MIRI-related talks from the decision theory conference at Cambridge University

Recently, MIRI co-organized a conference at Cambridge University titled Self-prediction in decision theory and artificial intelligence. At least six of the conference’s talks directly discussed issues raised in MIRI’s technical agenda:

  1. MIRI research fellow (and soon, Executive Director) Nate Soares gave a talk titled “What is a what if?” (.pdf w/o notes, .pptx w/ notes), on theories of counterfactuals in the context of AI.
  2. MIRI research fellow Patrick LaVictoire gave a talk titled “Decision theory and the logic of provability” (.pdf), on the modal agents framework.
  3. MIRI research fellow Benja Fallenstein gave a talk titled “Vingean reflection” (.pdf).
  4. Googler Vladimir Slepnev, a past MIRI workshop attendee, gave a talk titled “Models of decision-making based on logical counterfactuals” (.pdf).
  5. MIRI research associate Stuart Armstrong (Oxford) gave a talk titled “Anthropic decision theory” (.pdf, video).
  6. The conference also coincided with a public lecture by Stuart Russell titled “The long-term future of artificial intelligence” (video).

Our thanks to everyone who attended, and especially to our co-organizers: Arif Ahmed, Huw Price, and Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh!