
Author: Luke Muehlhauser appears to be a fake

Earlier today I was alerted to the existence of (archived screenshot). MIRI has nothing to do with that website and we believe it is a fake. The website claims there is a “Singularity 2014″ conference “in the Bay Area”...

New paper: “Corrigibility”

Today we release a paper describing a new problem area in Friendly AI research we call corrigibility. The report (PDF) is co-authored by MIRI’s Friendly AI research team (Eliezer Yudkowsky, Benja Fallenstein, Nate Soares) and also Stuart Armstrong from the...

AGI outcomes and civilizational competence

The [latest IPCC] report says, “If you put into place all these technologies and international agreements, we could still stop warming at [just] 2 degrees.” My own assessment is that the kinds of actions you’d need to do that are...

Nate Soares’ talk: “Why ain’t you rich?”

On September 18th, MIRI research fellow Nate Soares spoke at Purdue University’s Dawn or Doom seminar. Slides, video, and a transcript of his talk — “Why ain’t you rich? Why Our Current Understanding of ‘Rational Choice’ Isn’t Good Enough for...

MIRI’s October Newsletter

    Research Updates Our major project last month was our Friendly AI technical agenda overview and supporting papers, the former of which is now in late draft form but not yet ready for release. 4 new expert interviews, including...

Kristinn Thórisson on constructivist AI

Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson is an Icelandic Artificial Intelligence researcher, founder of the Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines (IIIM) and co-founder and former co-director of CADIA: Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents. Thórisson is one of the leading...