[mathjax] This is the edited transcript of a talk introducing finite factored sets. For most readers, it will probably be the best starting point for learning about factored sets. Video: (Lightly edited) slides: https://intelligence.org/files/Factored-Set-Slides.pdf (Part 1, Title Slides)...
Note: This is a preamble to Finite Factored Sets, a sequence I’ll be posting over the next few weeks. This Sunday at noon Pacific time, I’ll be giving a Zoom talk (link) introducing Finite Factored Sets, a framework which I...
[mathjax] You want to figure something out, but you don’t know how to do that yet. You have to somehow break up the task into sub-computations. There is no atomic act of “thinking”; intelligence must be built up of...
[mathjax] An agent which is larger than its environment can: Hold an exact model of the environment in its head. Think through the consequences of every potential course of action. If it doesn’t know the environment perfectly, hold...
[mathjax] Suppose you want to build a robot to achieve some real-world goal for you—a goal that requires the robot to learn for itself and figure out a lot of things that you don’t already know. ((This is part...
Goodhart’s Law states that “any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes.” However, this is not a single phenomenon. In Goodhart Taxonomy, I proposed that there are (at least) four different...