Robust Cooperation: A Case Study in Friendly AI Research

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robots shaking hands (cropped)

The paper “Robust Cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Program Equilibrium via Provability Logic” is among the clearer examples of theoretical progress produced by explicitly FAI-related research goals. What can we learn from this case study in Friendly AI research? How were the results obtained? How did the ideas build on each other? Who contributed which pieces? Which kinds of synergies mattered?

To answer these questions, I spoke to many of the people who contributed to the “robust cooperation” result.

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Two MIRI talks from AGI-11

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Thanks in part to the volunteers at MIRI Volunteers, we can now release the videos, slides, and transcripts for two talks delivered at AGI-11. Both talks represent joint work by Anna Salamon and Carl Shulman, who were MIRI staff at the time (back when MIRI was known as the “Singularity Institute”):

Salamon & Shulman (2011). Whole brain emulation as a platform for creating safe AGI. [Video] [Slides] [Transcript]

Shulman & Salamon (2011). Risk-averse preferences as an AGI safety technique. [Video] [Slides] [Transcript]

Mike Frank on reversible computing

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Mike Frank portraitMichael P. Frank received his Bachelor of Science degree in Symbolic Systems from Stanford University in 1991, and his Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994 and 1999 respectively. While at Stanford, he helped his team win the world championship in the 1990-91 International Collegiate Programming Competition sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery. Over the course of his student years, he held research internships at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center, NASA’s Ames Research Center, NEC Research Institute, Stanford Research Institute, and the Center for Study of Language and Information at Stanford. He also spent the summer after his Freshman year as a software engineering intern at Microsoft. During 1998-1999, Mike stopped out of school for a year to work at a friend’s web startup (

After graduation, he worked as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Computer and Information Science and Engineering department at the University of Florida from 1999-2004, and at the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the Florida A&M University – Florida State University College of Engineering from 2004-2007. After an ill-fated attempt to start a business in 2007-2008, he returned to academia in a variety of short-term research and teaching positions in the Florida A&M Department of Physics and the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. His present title is Associate in Engineering, and he spends most of his time supervising multidisciplinary senior engineering projects. Over the years, Dr. Frank’s research interests have spanned a number of different areas, including decision-theoretic artificial intelligence, DNA computing, reversible and quantum computing, market-based computing, secure election systems, and digital cash.

Luke Muehlhauser: Some long-term computing forecasts include the possibility of nanoscale computing, but efficient computing at that scale appears to require reversible computing due to the Landauer limit. Could you please explain what reversible computing is, and why it appears to be necessary for efficient computing beyond a certain point of miniaturization?

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Emil Vassev on Formal Verification

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Emil Vassev portraitDr. Emil Vassev received his M.Sc. in Computer Science (2005) and his Ph.D. in Computer Science (2008) from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Currently, he is a research fellow at Lero (the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre) at University of Limerick, Ireland where he is leading the Lero’s participation in the ASCENS FP7 project and the Lero’s joint project with ESA on Autonomous Software Systems Development Approaches. His research focuses on knowledge representation and awareness for self-adaptive systems. A part from the main research, Dr. Vassev’s research interests include engineering autonomic systems, distributed computing, formal methods, cyber-physical systems and software engineering. He has published two books and over 100 internationally peer-reviewed papers. As part of his collaboration with NASA, Vassev has been awarded one patent with another one pending.

Luke Muehlhauser: In “Swarm Technology at NASA: Building Resilient Systems,” you and your co-authors write that:

To increase the survivability of [remote exploration] missions, NASA [uses] principles and techniques that help such systems become more resilient…

…Practice has shown that traditional development methods can’t guarantee software reliability and prevent software failures. Moreover, software developed using formal methods tends to be more reliable.

When talking to AI scientists, I notice that there seem to be at least two “cultures” with regard to system safety. One culture emphasizes the limitations of systems that are amenable to (e.g.) formal methods, and advises that developers use traditional AI software development methods to build a functional system, and try to make it safe near the end of the process. The other culture tends to think that getting strong safety guarantees is generally only possible when a system is designed “from the ground up” with safety in mind. Most machine learning people I speak to seem to belong to the former culture, whereas e.g. Kathleen Fisher and other people working on safety-critical systems seem to belong to the latter culture.

Do you perceive these two cultures within AI? If so, does the second sentence I quoted from your paper above imply that you generally belong to the second culture?

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How Big is the Field of Artificial Intelligence? (initial findings)

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Co-authored with Jonah Sinick.

How big is the field of AI, and how big was it in the past?

This question is relevant to several issues in AGI safety strategy. To name just two examples:

  • AI forecasting. Some people forecast AI progress by looking at how much has been accomplished for each calendar year of research. But as inputs to AI progress, (1) AI funding, (2) quality-adjusted researcher years (QARYs), and (3) computing power are more relevant than calendar years.1 To use these metrics to predict future AI progress, we need to know how many dollars and QARYs and computing cycles at various times in the past have been required to produce the observed progress in AI thus far.
  • Leverage points. If most AI research funding comes from relatively few funders, or if most research is produced by relatively few research groups, then these may represent high-value leverage points through which one might influence the field as a whole, e.g. to be more concerned with the long-term social consequences of AI.

For these reasons and more, MIRI recently investigated the current size and past growth of the AI field. This blog post summarizes our initial findings, which are meant to provide a “quick and dirty” launchpad for future, more thorough research into the topic.

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  1. Another important input metric is theoretical progress imported from other fields, e.g. methods from statistics. 

Existential Risk Strategy Conversation with Holden Karnofsky

 |   |  Conversations, MIRI Strategy

On January 16th, 2014, MIRI met with Holden Karnofsky to discuss existential risk strategy. The participants were:

We recorded and transcribed the conversation, and then edited and paraphrased the transcript for clarity, conciseness, and to protect the privacy of some content. The resulting edited transcript is available in full here (41 pages).

Below is a summary of the conversation written by Karnofsky, then edited by Muehlhauser and Yudkowsky. Below the summary are some highlights from the conversation chosen by Karnofsky.

See also three previous conversations between MIRI and Holden Karnofsky: on MIRI strategy, on transparent research analyses, and on flow-through effects.

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2013 in Review: Outreach

 |   |  MIRI Strategy

This is the 2nd part of my personal and qualitative self-review of MIRI in 2013.

By “outreach” I refer to general outreach efforts, rather than e.g. outreach to specific researchers, which will be discussed in the post about MIRI’s 2013 research activities.


Outeach in 2013

  1. In early 2013, we decided to reduce our outreach efforts significantly, and we did.
  2. However, we learned throughout 2013 that some forms of “indirect” outreach tend to be pretty cost-effective for MIRI’s goals.1
  3. Therefore, we plan to put more effort into indirect outreach in 2014 than we did in 2013.

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  1. We are currently gathering much more information about the effects of our direct and indirect outreach efforts, but these data will take several months to gather. It’s possible those data will overturn the basic conclusions in this post, but it’s more likely they will slightly adjust them. 

Want to help MIRI by investing in XRP?

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Recently, Mt.Gox and Ripple creator Jed McCaleb gave MIRI a large donation in XRP, which is the #2 cryptocurrency in market cap behind Bitcoin. This gift, along with our recent successful fundraiser, should enable us to hire the beginnings of a full-time Friendly AI research team in 2014. It’s difficult to know exactly how to value the donation, but (e.g.) valuing it at the exchange rate at the time of donation would make it the largest single donation to MIRI in our history.

The size of Jed’s donation means that we currently have more XRP than it makes sense to hold in our diversified asset portfolio. To reduce our XRP holdings while growing the Ripple user base, we’d like to sell some of our XRP to members of our community. If you’re interested, please contact Malo Bourgon (

How does Ripple/XRP work? Technically, Ripple is an online payments protocol and XRP is an associated digital currency, but XRP is often referred to as “Ripple,” which can be confusing. The best explanation of all this yet written is “Bitcoin Vs. Ripple” from the Coinsetter blog, which I’ll excerpt below:

…think of Ripple as “Kayak for currency exchange.” Ripple will compare various pathways of exchanging one currency to another and find the lowest cost option. Transactions also happen rapidly (in under 5 seconds)…

XRP is a digital currency… with an embedded use, which is to pay for Ripple transactions, create Ripple accounts, and be a currency of last resort in the Ripple system… Whereas Bitcoin has no inherent use (its demand and use is solely based on people’s interest in Bitcoin), XRP has… a basic reason why someone may need to use XRP, which is to complete Ripple transactions.

…Should Bitcoin believers be worried that Ripple is on its way to crush their dream currency? Absolutely not. Interest in Bitcoin will continue to grow, and separately, interest in Ripple will continue to grow. In fact, the Ripple network should help make bitcoins substantially easier to buy and sell, as well as legitimize them.

Click here to create a Ripple wallet and join the network; the process takes less than 60 seconds.

MIRI continues to accept donations in both XRP and Bitcoin, and we send tax receipts for non-anonymous donations in either currency.