Facing the Intelligence Explosion is now available as an ebook! You can get it here. It is available as a “pay-what-you-want” package that includes the ebook in three formats: MOBI, EPUB, and PDF. It is also available on Amazon Kindle...
From November 11-18, 2012, we held (what we now call) the 1st MIRI Workshop on Logic, Probability, and Reflection. This workshop had four participants: Eliezer Yudkowsky (MIRI) Paul Christiano (UC Berkeley) Marcello Herreshoff (Google) Mihály Bárász (Google) The participants worked...
Welcome to the new home for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI), formerly called “The Singularity Institute.” The new design (from Katie Hartman, who also designed the new site for CFAR) reflects our recent shift in focus from “movement-building” to...
When Singularity University (SU) acquired the Singularity Summit from us in December, we also agreed to change the name of our institute to avoid brand confusion between the Singularity Institute and Singularity University. After much discussion and market research, we’ve...
Thanks to our dedicated supporters, we met our goal for our 2012 Winter Fundraiser. Thank you! The fundraiser ran for 45 days, from December 6, 2012 to January 20, 2013. We met our $115,000 goal, raising a total of $230,000...
In this 2010 conversation hosted by bloggingheads.tv, Eliezer Yudkowsky and Massimo Pigliucci attempt to unpack the fundamental assumptions involved in determining the plausability of a technological singularity. A transcript of the conversation is now available here, thanks to Ethan Dickinson...